I am copying the conversation through email
Srimathe Ramanujaya namaha.
Adiyen would like to supplement with the following:
www.ahobilam.com is the website of Vadhyar Sri U Ve NVS. Precious info is available about all the aspects relating to aparam;
simply stated, oru pozhuthu means eat once during day time after the ceremony is performed and take some palaharam only for the night; kartha has to take only bakshanam on the day the sradha is performed; of course, keeping the stomach empty at night is more praiseworthy.
Adiyen is eldest of 3 sons and 1 daughter and am 62. Adiyenudaiya thagappanaar (86) reached Acharyan thiruvadi on 11-05-2012;so, besides taking the help of our Brihaspathi, I have benefited a lot by visiting www.ahobilam.com and going through Aparam section.
I made a pdf of his webpages (Aparam:alone, runs to 120 pages) other than Gaya sradham; I will be sending it to Vadhyar Swamin so he can decide on including it in his website;
Adiyen is one of the numerous admirers of Vadhyar Swamin.
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan
Santhanam Iyengar.
Kindly circulate the correction to your statement as below:
>>>"simply stated, oru pozhuthu means eat once during day time after the ceremony is performed and take some palaharam only for the night; kartha has to take only bakshanam on the day the sradha is performed; of course, keeping the stomach empty at night is more praiseworthy.<<<
The above your statement is not clear!
Oru Pozhudhu is the previous day of shradham day
On that day pure upavasam is instructed for who are not doing the daily oupasanam as pariharam and the Vichinna Oupasana agni santhanam requires fasting.
But, Sutra Kartha itself introduced a procedure called "upavAsasthane ayAscha homam karishye" to cover (adjust) if there is any
fault in the previous day upavasam.
So, the kartha should not take any kind of food even water / liquid to satisfy his hungry on both days
previous day and shradha day except one time (afternoon) meals.
Actually phala AhAram means eating fruits and not tiffin or bhakshanam.
on shradha day also eating of bhakshanam is not good in the night.

--- On Wed, 5/23/12, VS <yennappan@computer.net> wrote:
From: VS <yennappan@computer.net>
Subject: Re: [Oppiliappan] significance of oru pozhudhu the day before the srardham
To: Oppiliappan@yahoogroups.com
Cc: vaideekam@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 1:33 PM
Dear Sriman Narayanan :
Sriman Vaasu Vaadhyar Swamy at Chennai would be the ideal person to comment on this topic . I have copied him and thank him in advance to share his views . Thank you Sriman NVS Swamy . Please join his new blog group by contacting him .
NamO Sri RaaghavAya,
From: gopalan narayanan
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 7:27 AM
To: Oppiliappan@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Oppiliappan] significance of oru pozhudhu the day before the srardham
adiyen dasasya vignaapanam.
The day before the srardham oru pozhdu, and the day after parehani tharpanam is observed. Any link/ website/explanation from our learned scholars about the complete formalities, strict observance of srardham to our forefathers, dos and donts with necessary explanations/details will be of great help to those not clear about the subject,
Can any body help?
gopalan narayanan