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Why do we say women should not study vedas.....???

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  • Why do we say women should not study vedas.....???

    ​Why do we say women should not study vedas ...???
    Dear Anu,

    I was not able to reply you in detail in a hurry.

    now try to answer you with little detail.
    Hope you are fine... A question. Why do we say women should not study vedas when maitreyi, kargi ,lopamudra, ghosha, etc have been rishis and ramyanam says sita performs sandhyavandanam.

    Also when saraswati a female holds veda and mantra Mala in her hands?

    Saraswati or Lakshmi or any Godess said in Purana or Veda or not belong to our lineage so it is not fare to compare us with them. Because they are part of the Brahmam (God), To learn veda a person should prepared for that by performing some samskaras like jadhakarma, namakaranam, annaprasanam, chowlam, upanayanam, brahmopadesam, gurukulavasam, bhikshacharanam, niyamadhyanam, speech therapy, voice therapy, dedicate the whole life for certain years to by heart veda to recite in any order from any corner or any piece etc. etc. then should keep the veda green in memory for life long by repeatedly reciting it everyday. What is the use of learning veda with all these troubles?! veda will not yield the expected phalan if it is recited just like a music, because the phalan of a portion of veda is also described in the shastras only. If you respect shastra, should do that wholeheartedly and entirely. Overlooking the disciplines to learn the veda and expecting the phalan only does not work! (am I correct?!).

    Also I see foreigners being taught vedas but not our non-brahmins. not sure how we decide foreigners are considered eligible for studying vedas, but not our other caste people.
    I don't know who is teaching them, let them do. The limitation and determination of dos and don'ts are according to the understanding calibration of every individual. "how we decide" in your above statement is wrong, do not include all of us in that circle of inferiority complexed people who are doing these to show that they are still in the brahmin race or for some remuneration.

    I think all hindus should learn and know the meaning of vedas that too at this point when we are being targeted everywhere.

    This is not a new idea of you, Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisya all three varna people are eligible for Veda Adhyayanam as per shastras but they have to undergo the upanayanam ritual.

    I feel so bad to see that we are unable to answer most questions in debates since we don't do our duty of studying and understanding our own scriptures. Not that we have to win these stupid debates but each time we don't have an answer atleast a few viewers get doubts on Hinduism which is bad. We are bringing it down. I appreciate your feelings, but again our religion is broad and we should believe our God and his greatness, he will look after everything at times. We are not an avatar to protect our religion or veda or hinduism etc. When we are child, we were having a good faith with our parent / father, so many struggles came to our family, our father managed everything and protected us. We were busy with our studies and duties only, we never minded about the loans and borrows, quarrels and debates with our neighbors. All were managed by our father. But, we also prayed God with great faith "Oh God, save our father, save our family!".
    Likely, Hinduism is our family, God is our father, we are in a very very tiny childs, we should do our duties by obeying the instruction of our father (God).

    I feel we are hypocrites. We do utsavams and glorify alwars and nayanars most of whom belong to other castes but in real life we behave different. May be we only brought Hinduism to this state and especially brahmins' poor state. We dug our own grave. because we learnt the rituals and verses without learning the meaning and philosophy of what we chant and do and so missed to propogate the essence to others.

    Again you are unnecessarily worrying much, worry will not make remedy for anything, but it will increase the weight of a problem. There are lot of good brahmins are there still. Today or tomorrow or next few centuries are not the end of the world. Even if the world ends, it will be created again freshly. Don't loose the hatred of this worldlyness. (See the Nammazhvar pasurams given at the end, in which Alwar also hates this worldliness). Emperuman likes this, every atma should realize that this world is worst and HIS feet only best. So, do சரணாகதி at emperumans feet, and leave all your worries about this world. Let it go to hell.

    Every indian online website says free veda teaching for men who had upanayanam done. People who really want to learn can't. So many men don't even wear their poonal and learn just for name sake or work sake. எல்லாறும் படிச்சு பட்டம் வாங்கறாளேன்னு நான்கூட 15 வருஷமா படாத பாடுபட்டு டாக்டரேட் வாங்கிட்டேன், இப்ப யோசிச்சுப் பார்க்கிறேன், அதனால் என்ன பயன் நானும் ஒரு டாக்டர்பட்டம் வாங்கிட்டேன்கறதை தவிர. அதைப்போல, பூணலைப்போட்டுண்டோ, போடாமலோ வேதம் கத்துக்கறவாள் (அதுவும் வெப்சைட் மூலம் வேதம் கத்துக்கறவாள்) என்னத்த சாதிச்சுடப்போறா?! வேதம் கத்துக்காததுனாலயோ, ஹிந்துயிசத்தைப் புரிஞ்சிக்காததுனாலயோ மோட்சம் கிடையாதுன்னு எதாவது சாஸ்த்ரம் இருந்தா கவலைப்படணும். "நகர்மணா ந ப்ரஜயா தனேன த்யாகேனைகே அம்ருதத்வமானசு:" கர்மம், ஞானம், தானம், தபஸ் போன்ற எதனாலும் அந்த ப்ரஹ்மத்தை அறிந்து கொள்ள இயலாது என்கிறது வேதம். "எனக்கு எல்லாம் தெரியும் என்பவனுக்கு ஒன்றுமே தெரியாது என்றும், எனக்கு ஒன்றும் தெரியாது என்பவன்தான் சரியானபடி ப்ரஹ்மத்தை உணர்ந்தவன்" என்பது மிக உயரிய ப்ரஹ்மஞானம் ஆகும். எனவே ஒன்றும் தெரியாமலே பக்தியும், ச்ரத்தையும் உள்ளவனாய் இருப்பதுதான் உயர்வானது. ஒருவனிடம் எவ்வளவு கல்வி உள்ளது, எவ்வளவு பெருமைகள் உள்ளன, எவ்வளவு செல்வம் உள்ளது என்று பலவற்றையும் அறிந்துகொண்டு பின் அவனிடம் கொள்ளும் மரியாதை அல்லது கௌரவம் போலியானது. எந்தப்பெருமையுமே இல்லாத, ஒரு பயித்தியமாக இருந்தாலும் அம்மாவிடம் அன்புசெலுத்துகிறோம் அல்லவா, அப்படிப்பட்ட அன்பையும், பக்தியையும், நம்பிக்கையையும் இந்த உயர்வான பிறவியைத் தந்த இறைவனிடம் நாம் வைத்து, நமக்கு எந்த வழியை அவன் வகுத்துக்கொடுத்துள்ளானோ அந்த வழியைப்பேணி அவன்பால் ஈடுபாட்டை வளர்த்து அவனை அடைய முயற்ச்சிப்பதே விவேகம் ஆகும்.
    பக்கத்து வீட்டுக்காரனுக்கு உள்ள ஏகப்பட்ட வசதி வாய்ப்புகளை நமக்குக் கடவுள் கொடுக்கவில்லையே என ஒப்பிடுவதுபோலத்தான்,
    நமக்கு கிட்டாத வாய்ப்புகளைக் கருதி சலனம் அடைவது. கிடைத்த வாய்ப்பைப் பயன்படுத்தி பெரிதாக சாதித்துக்காட்டுவதே விவேகம் ஆகும்.

    You might differ with me, but i wanted to share my anger with someone. I remembered you....sorry:-(

    நண்ணாதார் முறுவலிப்ப
    நல்லுற்றார் கரைந்தேங்க,
    எண்ணாராத் துயர்விளைக்கும்
    இவையென்ன உலகியற்கை?,
    கண்ணாளா. கடல்கடைந்தாய்.
    உனகழற்கே வரும்பரிசு,
    தண்ணாவா தடியேனைப்
    பணிகண்டாய் சாமாறே. (2) 4.9.1

    சாமாறும் கெடுமாறும்
    தமருற்றார் தலைத்தலைப்பெய்து,
    ஏமாறிக் கிடந்தலற்றும்
    இவையென்ன உலகியற்கை?,
    ஆமாறொன் றறியேன்நான்
    அரவணையாய். அம்மானே,
    கூமாறே விரைகண்டாய்
    அடியேனைக் குறிக்கொண்டே. 4.9.2

    கொண்டாட்டும் குலம்புனைவும்
    தமருற்றார் விழுநிதியும்,
    வண்டார்பூங் குழலாளும்
    மனையொழிய வுயிர்மாய்தல்,
    கண்டாற்றேன் உலகியற்கை
    கடல்வண்ணா. அடியேனைப்
    பண்டேபோல் கருதாதுன்
    அடிக்கேகூய்ப் பணிகொள்ளே. 4.9.3

    கொள்ளென்று கிளர்ந்தெழுந்த
    பெருஞ்செல்வம் நெருப்பாக,
    கொள்ளென்று தமம்மூடும்
    இவையென்ன உலகியற்கை?
    வள்ளலே. மணிவண்ணா.
    உனகழற்கே வரும்பரிசு,
    வள்ளல்செய் தடியேனை
    உனதருளால் வாங்காயே. 4.9.4

    வாங்குநீர் மலருலகில்
    நிற்பனவுமீ திரிவனவும்,
    ஆங்குயிர்கள் பிறப்பிறப்புப்
    பிணிமூப்பால் தகர்ப்புண்ணும்,
    ஈங்கிதன்மேல் வெந்நரகம்
    இவையென்ன உலகியற்கை?
    வாங்கெனைநீ மணிவண்ணா.
    அடியேனை மறுக்கேலே. 4.9.5

    மறுக்கிவல் வலைப்படுத்திக்
    குமைத்திட்டுக் கொன்றுண்பர்,
    அறப்பொருளை யறிந்தோரார்
    இவையென்ன உலகியற்கை?
    வெறித்துளவ முடியானே.
    வினையேனை யுனக்கடிமை
    அறக்கொண்டாய், இனியென்னா
    ரமுதே.கூய் அருளாயே. 4.9.6

    Best Regards,
    Best Wishes,
    Dr.NVS 9444844423 Best time to call: 4.30 to 6.00 pm
    Note:- No reply for long time? Join our user forum.
    15000+ Genuine Brahmin members are there!

    On 7 April 2015 at 08:04, Vaideekam <vaixxxxxxxx> wrote:
    You are not the first to ask these type of questions.
    Come to our forum to discuss more on this.
    But one thing I could say:
    "What our Hindu dharma preaches are getting proved as meaningful one by one"
    100% freedom is there to do or leave anything, no need to convince anybody let them act according to their fat.

    Sent from my iPhone

    On 07-Apr-2015, at 7:39 am, Anuradha Rengarajan <anuradhaxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Namaskaram mama
    Hope you are fine... A question. Why do we say women should not study vedas when maitreyi, kargi ,lopamudra, ghosha, etc have been rishis and ramyanam says sita performs sandhyavandanam. Also when saraswati a female holds veda and mantra Mala in her hands?
    Also I see foreigners being taught vedas but not our non-brahmins. not sure how we decide foreigners are considered eligible for studying vedas, but not our other caste people. I think all hindus should learn and know the meaning of vedas that too at this point when we are being targeted everywhere. I feel so bad to see that we are unable to answer most questions in debates since we don't do our duty of studying and understanding our own scriptures. Not that we have to win these stupid debates but each time we don't have an answer atleast a few viewers get doubts on Hinduism which is bad. We are bringing it down.
    I feel we are hypocrites. We do utsavams and glorify alwars and nayanars most of whom belong to other castes but in real life we behave different. May be we only brought Hinduism to this state and especially brahmins' poor state. We dug our own grave. because we learnt the rituals and verses without learning the meaning and philosophy of what we chant and do and so missed to propogate the essence to others.
    Every indian online website says free veda teaching for men who had upanayanam done. People who really want to learn can't. So many men don't even wear their poonal and learn just for name sake or work sake.
    You might differ with me, but i wanted to share my anger with someone. I remembered you....sorry:-(
    You have a great day!

    Thanks for choosing this forum for asking your vaideeka, Shastra, Sampradaya doubts,
    please visit frequently and share information anything you think that will be useful for this forum members.
    Encourage your friends to become member of this forum.
    Best Wishes and Best Regards,

  • #2
    Re: Why do we say women should not study vedas.....???

    அநு அவர்களின் நியாயமான நெஞ்சக்குமுறல்கள் அதற்கு தங்களின் விளக்கமான விவேகமான ஒபீனியன், [பதில்வடிவாய்] இதைப் படித்து முடித்ததும் ஏதோ ஒரு பட்டி மன்றம் அட்டண்ட் செய்தது போன்றதொரு ப்ரமை.
    மன்றத்திலிருந்து எழுந்து செல்லமனமின்றி இன்னும் அமர்ந்து கொண்டிருக்கும்


    • #3
      Re: Why do we say women should not study vedas.....???

      Dear Sir,
      I wish to state the following as of my opinion.
      Accepting & rejecting is to your discrimination.

      1. Knowledge is open to all, and any one can learn the vedas,
      mantras or the priestly profession, or any of the other professions.
      The children of a doctor or a farmer are better exposed to
      their particular profession, and are able to pick up
      a lot of knowledge at home, same is true with a carpenter
      or a priest or any other profession.

      2.But it was possible (if strongly desired) to change professions,
      in the past, and is even easier to do so now with the much
      easier access, especially in cities, and for people with money,
      to different lines of work or profession or livelihood.
      Not everybody wants to be (or can be) a surgeon
      or lawyer even if it may be more lucrative to do so.
      In the past, family inherited occupations were common
      in all societies, in India.

      3. Culturally, of course, any group of people have a right to study,
      inculcate and practise their cultural heritage, whether
      it is learning the mantras, doing poojas, chanting the vedas,
      telling puranic stories, discussing the upanishads.

      4. Brahmins have a right (and responsibility) to learn
      their heritage and pass it on to the next generation.
      It is very important, just like for any other community.
      If it is not done, the children when they grow up are
      more likely to feel lost and confused, and may even be
      taken advantage of by other creeds and cults trying
      to enlist them.

      5. There is no waiting list for people to learn Vedas or to become
      priests, despite the fact that the number of vedic teachers
      may be very limited.

      6. It is not a lucrative field. Those who desire to be wealthy
      or powerful are not likely to want to learn vedas, Sanskrit,
      shastras etc. To be a priest is more a path of suffering and
      sacrifice, and not one of luxury or glorification.
      But, non-Brahmins also do become pundits, swamis, priests,
      experts in vedas and shastras.

      7. Standing for equal rights and no discrimination in
      the larger society does not go against Brahmanism.

      It is only the Brahmana community that can, in the end,
      sustain and nurture Brahmanism. And they need to realize
      that the well-being of the whole civilized society
      and of the world is hinged on the respect for, survival
      and well-being of the Brahmanic satviks.

      The non-Brahmin communities in India have always supported
      true Brahmanism, and they will continue to do so in the future.

      8. The western cultures, in spite of the past long associations
      with India, are just beginning to view India with a more open mind,
      and are slowly but surely, discovering the charm and magic
      of Sanatana Dharma and the world's oldest civilization.
      That's why their interest in learning Vedas is revealing their
      change of mind towards Sanatana Dharma.

      with regards, ggmoorthyiyer.


      • #4
        Re: Why do we say women should not study vedas.....???

        Dear NVS Mama,

        An excellent reply. Point by point you have replied to all the queries raised by Mrs. Anu in a very understanding and acceptable manner.

        Enjoyed reading your reply.

        With Namaskarams

        S. Sankara Narayanan

