Much has been said about brahmins and their honesty and dishonesty etc., We are all humans and as humans we all hv good and bad in us. Now is the time to do something about it. How many of are willing to dedicate one of our children (in many families there is only one male and one female child) to veda parayanam and that incudes the dress code attached to that kind of living? U won't live that kind of life but you want somebody who is living like that to conduct your vaidika karma and that too with thambulam with thulasi thalam and you will decide the dakshinai according to your whim and fancy as if giving out something in alms (Pichai). Those who want to dictate terms to vadhyar can as well do without him. When u cannot complain against a school or doctor or vegetable vendor do not complaint against a vadhyar. Do not do anything prescribed in Vedas and spend all your money in Schools and hospitals. I believe in vedas. Although I hv not done veda adhyayanam I realise the value of vedas and its smruthis. I also understand vadhyars have a family and they also hv children to be educated. I do not bargain with Vadhyar.