Adiyen live in Fremont, California
Today is panchami and adiyen was checking the next ekadesi days
It looks like during sunrise of Jan 18, dasami thithi is still there till 8:00 AM after which ekadesi starts and lasts for 30 hours i.e @ 6:00 Am next day before sunrise (which is @ 7:21 AM). So during sunrise, the thithi is Dvadhasi
There was no ekadesi thithi during sunrise in either Jan 18 or Jan 19, in situations like this how do we do the ekadesi vradham
In general, please explain the ekadesi vradham/ dvadashi paranam calculations rules
Adiyen live in Fremont, California
Today is panchami and adiyen was checking the next ekadesi days
It looks like during sunrise of Jan 18, dasami thithi is still there till 8:00 AM after which ekadesi starts and lasts for 30 hours i.e @ 6:00 Am next day before sunrise (which is @ 7:21 AM). So during sunrise, the thithi is Dvadhasi
There was no ekadesi thithi during sunrise in either Jan 18 or Jan 19, in situations like this how do we do the ekadesi vradham
In general, please explain the ekadesi vradham/ dvadashi paranam calculations rules