FREE Online Storage Up to 2 GB - Use this to share your valuable large files with others
Dear honorable members,

audio, video and pdf files.
You can keep it as your treasure and share with others by having a FREE account
If you refer my email ID they will give another 250mb free space for you and me.
Very simple to create an account.
They will allow you to keep your files in two types up to 2 GB.
1. Private
2. Public.
You can send the url of files Stored in the public folder
with that url anybody can download or use from their by providing link,
or by embedding.
This is a suggestion only, interested members can use the facility.
By doing this, sending of files more than 10 mb.
If we want more space, we can use another email ID.
To link any audio file use the below bb code:
You can share any file any where it is stored.
Let me know the embed code I will give you easy bbcode for that.
If you have more doubts, discuss here, I could explain further.