Why this much of tough password you are keeping? (many upper and many lower case letters and not meaningful to remember)
Nothing to maintain secret here in this forum, it is just used as human identity to log in and use the forum that is all!
You always should keep to use two type of logins
Type: 1. Secret: to maintain bank accounts other financial and secret document transaction accounts.
This type of accounts should be maintained with Tough login ID and very tough password.
You should not use this Login ID and or Password in any other place.
It is too better to have a separate email ID to maintain this type of account. Do not operate all accounts
with a single email ID.
Type 2: Open secret: to use the websites to browse and gather information and to share knowledge etc.
This should be always very simple and easy to remember this can be used every where in the internet, nothing will happen.
Always do not give space in user names, passwords are always case sensitive.
Why this much of tough password you are keeping? (many upper and many lower case letters and not meaningful to remember)
Nothing to maintain secret here in this forum, it is just used as human identity to log in and use the forum that is all!
You always should keep to use two type of logins
Type: 1. Secret: to maintain bank accounts other financial and secret document transaction accounts.
This type of accounts should be maintained with Tough login ID and very tough password.
You should not use this Login ID and or Password in any other place.
It is too better to have a separate email ID to maintain this type of account. Do not operate all accounts
with a single email ID.
Type 2: Open secret: to use the websites to browse and gather information and to share knowledge etc.
This should be always very simple and easy to remember this can be used every where in the internet, nothing will happen.
Always do not give space in user names, passwords are always case sensitive.