Can anyone provide a document detailing the procedure for Samitadaanam (Adiyen is a Yajur Vedi, Sri Vaishnava Tenkalai brahmin)
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Request for document detailing Samitadaanam
Tags: aagamam, about, adiyen, anyone, bhagavan, brahmin, brahmins, brahmopadesam, can, corner, cow, day, detailing, document, doubt, evening, first, following, for, from, idam, img, kalai, kolam, krishna, north, procedure, rangoli, request, samidhadhanam, samidhdhanam, samitadaanam, samitha dhanam, sandhya, sandhya vandhanam, sankalpam, sri, sri vaishnava, stick, tamil, tenkalai, the, there, things, two, upanayanam, vadakalai, vaishnava, vandhanam, which, who, with, yajur, yama
Samitha Dhanam Video
After having done Brahmopadesam at Upanayanam and till he complets the Ashta Vradham and Santha karama, a brahmachari should do daily Sandhya Vandhanam (3 times).
At the time of Sankalpam for Ashta Vradham a prayachittam is told for the following things have not been maintained.
Sananam, Sandhya Vandhanam, Samidhadhanam, Gurukula vasam, Braham yajgnam, Bhikshacharanam, Mounji-Mekala-Ajina-Dhanda dharanam, not consuming savories, salt and not using sandal, sents, garlands, flowers, betal nuts etc. should be strictly followed by a brahmachari.
A brahmachari should not talk with ladies except for asking bhikshai.
The Narada Maharishi had received a Varam from bhagavan, a brahmachari who follows the brahmacharya vradhams and doing the samidhadhanam regularly should be attacked by the kaala (mrthyu) deva (yaman). Yaman can take a brahmachari's on which day the brahmachari missed to do the Samidhadhanam.
So, it is said important of doing samidhdhanam for brahmachries.
There is no change in Sandhyavandhanams for brahmacharies and grahastas.
Yajur - Apastamba - Samidhadhanam:
To do Samidhadhanam the following things to be kept ready before starting:
A tumbler of water, Samiths (Purasu (Palasa) or Arasu (peepul) or dharbhams for about 20 nos,
Two Achamanams.
If available can wear pavitram made up of two dharbhams, if not available can do without pavitram.
It is better to tell the Maha Sankalpam from "Om Asmat Gurubhyo nama: ... to Asyam subha thithau"
Main sankalpam:
Sri Bhagavadhajgnaya sriman narayana preethyartham / bhagvat kainkarya roopam / sri parmeswar preethyartham prataha samidham aathasye"
Making the place of agni (Sthandilam)
The place selected to put the agni pot (kundam) should be cleaned with avilable water, cow dung etc. A small two line kolam (rangoli) should be drawan.
Three lines to East with pieces of dharbhams or any stick to drawn, starting the first line at the south end of the agni kundam then middle and then at north end.
Another three lines to be drawn to North starting from west end of the agni kundam, then middle and then at the East end.
The pieces of dharbam to be weted by water and thrown at south west corner.
Fire should be lightened using camphor or oil cloth etc.
Parithvagne parimrujaami ayushacha dhanenacha suprajaa: prajayaa bhuyasam
suveera: veerai: suvarcha: varchasa suposha: poshai: sugruha: gruhai: supathi:
pathya sumedha: medhayaa subrahmaaa brahmacharibhi:
adhitheanumanyasva -- theertham sprinkled at right side of agni from west to east.
anumatheanumanyasva -- theertham sprinkle at west side of agni from right to left.
sarasvatheanumanyasva -- theertham sprinkled at left side of agni from west to east.
devasavita: prasuva -- theertham around agni from north east to narth east
Homam : A stick or two dharbhams to be added to agni for every swahaa (homam).
1. agnaye samidham aahaarsham brhate jaata vedhase. yathatvam agne samidha
samidhyase evam mamayusha varchasa sanyaa medhayaa prajayaa pashubhi:
annadhyena samedhaya svaahaa
2. edhoasi adhishiimahi svaahaa
3. tejoasi teja: mayidhehi svaaahaa
4.apo adhya anvachaarisham rsena samasrukshmahi. payasvaan aagamam tammaa
sgusruja varchasaa svaahaa
5. sammaagne varchasaa srujaa prajayaacha dhanenacha svaahaa
6. vidhyunmeee asya devaa: indra: vidhyaat saharshibhi: svaahaa
7. agnayee bruhate naakaaya svaahaa
8. dhyaavaa pruthivebhyaam svaahaa
9. eshaate agne samittayaa vardhasvacha aapyaayasvacha tayaaham vardhamaana:
bhooyasam aapyaayamanascha svaahaa
10. yomaagne bhaaginam santam athaabhaagam chikeershati. abhaagam agne tamkuru
maamagne bhaaginam kuru svaahaa.
11. samidhammm aadhaaya agne sarvavrata: bhooyaasam svaaha
12. bhuusvaahaa
13. bhuvasvaahaa
14. suvasvaahaa
15. suvasvaahaa
Parishechanam (order as done before)
devasavita: praasaaveehi
Place a smidh in the fire and say
Sri Vishnave svaahaa - Sri Vishnave paramatmane idam namama
get up and say by keeping hands as namaskaaram.
yatte agne tejastena aham tejasvee bhooyaasam
yatte agne varchastena aham varchasvee bhooyasam
yatte agne harastena aham harasvee bhooyasam
mayimedhaam mayi prajaam
mayyagni: teja: dadhatu
mayimedham mayi prajaam myiendra: indriyam dadhaatu
mayimedhaam mayi prajaam mayisurya: bhraaja: dadhaatu.
agnaye nama: mantra hiinam kriya hiinam bhakti hiinam hutaasana
yathutantu mayaa deva paripoornam tatastute
praayachittani aseshani tapahkarma atma kaanivai
yaanitesham aseshaanam krishnanusmaranam param
pranamya. abhivatya
Do namaskaaram to agni and do abhivathi.
then do two achamanam.
If worn pavitram remove and scrap it and then do achanamanam.
If Vadakalai Iyengar: say
Bhagavaneva svasesha bhoothamitam pratah (sayam for evening) samidha dhanaakyam
karma svasmai svapreetaye bhagavan svayameva karitavaan.
Note: Any doubt or comment or any mistakes found can be notified.
Originally posted by N Kannan View PostCan anyone provide a document detailing the procedure for Samitadaanam (Adiyen is a Yajur Vedi, Sri Vaishnava Tenkalai brahmin)
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