Make your online life so easy with dropbox
There are several methods to add a single photo or a photo album.
It is very easy to add here, but before that you should have an online storage for your contents.
I recommend all members to have a FREE dropbox account
by which you can make many sub folders under the public folder of dropbox.
No need to do anything online, everything can be done off line in your computer itself.
Here are the steps to create and maintain a dropbox.
Please check that you are connected to the internet before going to setup the dropbox.
Also mind your power cut time in your area, that you should have the internet connection for next 15 minutes.
Click here to go to to create a new account.
Fill the 4 boxes
1.First Name
2. Last Name
3. your email ID
4. your required password
then click the I agree to Dropbox terms
then finally click crate account button as shown in the figure.
In the next step, it will take you to new window and the dropbox program will be started download to your computer.
After getting downloaded you have to find the file where it is downloaded
and you should double click on it to start the installation of dropbox program in your computer.
Other instructions are given in the next image, which will also be given by dropbox while installing.

This step is the installation of dropbox in your computer, do as per the instructions, guidance.

After successful installation, if you go to immediately no need to sign in
otherwise you have to type in your browser as and press enter.
Click on the "Sign In" drop down menu at the top right corner
See the red round in the picture.
It will ask you the information as shown in the below picture in 4th Step.

1. Type your email ID
2. Enter your password
3.Click on the Remember me square box to log in next time automatically.
Now you will be taken to your dropbox control panel for you.

Now you see the picture.
First you have double click on the 'Public' folder to get in
Next you have to click the 'New Folder' button on the top right (see the arrow mark)
It will ask the name for it, type 'images' or 'photos' whatever you like
Like that you can create as many folders as you want separately for
pdf, audio, video, clip arts etc. etc.
It will give you 2GB initially
then you can increase it up to 16 GB by referring many friends.
Step - 6
If you have installed the dropbox in your computer
Click the my computer in your computer

Double click on it
It will open the dropbox folder and list all your created folders including 'public' folder
Whenever you want to share the files with this forum you have to store all the files
only in the sub folders under the 'public' folder.
Copy and paste the photos or any document from some other folders of your computer to
dropbox public folder, by which you no need to go online to upload your files.
Dropbox will automatically upload all the files in its folder whenever you be online for some other work
in the background.
Also, a very good option is: if you have any android or apple phones,
you can install a mini dropbox application in that also using the same email ID.
By which the photos taken through your mobiles will be transferred to your computer wirelessly, and automatically.
Step - 7
For this you have to go to
no need to open any folder (oh! what an easy job?! I really thankful to dropbox)
just enter initial few letters of your file which you want to share in this forum or through email.
For an example, I have stored an image file name : "my-computer.jpg"
I have typed only 'my-com' in the search box (no need to enter the file type also)
it will list the file(s) start with the letters you have typed in the search box
now it will show a menu "copy public link"
click on that and it will show the url for that file.
You can now copy the link on yourself or click on the button "copy to clip board"
dropbox will automatically do for you.
Ok, everything over with dropbox.
Now you have to consider with the vbulleting forums:
Really VB also having lot of features to easy up our work in a grand scale.
It can not type the matter whatever you think in your mind for you,
but it could be very useful for you to beautify your contents with formatting easily
using simple bbcodes.
BBcodes are nothing but codes called through Brackets
The basic format of the bbcode is thus: [bla] ... url .... or content [/bla]
I have used the word 'bla' for which there is no meaning but usually used in the internet
as bla bla bla to represent something which should be replaced in its place.
So, I think now you got it
To use the pdf files use the bbcode
[pdf] then the url copied in your clip board [/pdf ] end bbcode
like that to use the images [img][/img]
I have created two more bbcodes to align the bictures middle and left
I have used the [imgl] bbcode in this post to show the picture left and contents in the right.
Below video will be helpful to setup dropbox in your computer.
I can say lot of thing but by doing it practical only give fruitful results.
Kindly post all your doubts and how much you tried, got successful
or where you find problem, everything you can post here.
I try to solve your problems.
best regards,