Swami Chinmayananda's Birth Centenary Clebrations.
This is the most valuable Photo of our family taken in 1954 with Pujya Sri Swami Chinmayananda in our house at Coimbatore. Sri Swamiji was my first Guru who initiated me into the path of spiritual quest. Sri Swamiji was born on May 8, 1916. He was ordained into Sanyasa by Swami Sivananda Saraswathi on 25th of February 1949 at Rishikesh. As per the wishes of his guru, swami Chinmayananda proceeded to Uttarkashi and spent eight years studying the scriptures at the feet of Sri Swami Tapovanji Maharaj in the high Himalayas . After completing his studies, Sri Swamiji came down to the plains and travelled extensively " To convert Hindus to Hinduism" by his lectures and literature.
"Apart from lecturing Swami Chinmayananda wrote commentaries to major Vedantic texts as well as many of His own books that dealt with different aspects of true religion, including books for children. His approach is unique. By the use of scientific logic and simplicity of style He made the profound scriptural knowledge easy to understand and brought it closer to us by illustrating it with examples from our own life. Written in modern language they perfectly serve the needs of the modern people". (Chinmaya Mission, Chicago).
By the grace of God, I had the good fortune of associating myself as joint secretary to organize his seventh gnana yagna in India (first in the Coimbatore) as a College student in 1954.
Inaugurated by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam on Wednesday the 6th of May, Sri Swamiji's birth centenary is being celebrated through out this year. He spread the message of Vedanta to the English speaking youngsters of my generation. On this happy occasion I salute and pay my respects to this great spiritual Guru.

"Apart from lecturing Swami Chinmayananda wrote commentaries to major Vedantic texts as well as many of His own books that dealt with different aspects of true religion, including books for children. His approach is unique. By the use of scientific logic and simplicity of style He made the profound scriptural knowledge easy to understand and brought it closer to us by illustrating it with examples from our own life. Written in modern language they perfectly serve the needs of the modern people". (Chinmaya Mission, Chicago).
By the grace of God, I had the good fortune of associating myself as joint secretary to organize his seventh gnana yagna in India (first in the Coimbatore) as a College student in 1954.
Inaugurated by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam on Wednesday the 6th of May, Sri Swamiji's birth centenary is being celebrated through out this year. He spread the message of Vedanta to the English speaking youngsters of my generation. On this happy occasion I salute and pay my respects to this great spiritual Guru.