सुभाषितम् - 30-10-2021

सर्वं कलु इदं ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मैव सचराचरम् ।
दृश्येऽदृश्ये विना ब्रह्म किञ्चिदपि विद्यते ॥
All this is truly Brahman, the Supreme Divine.
The moving world and the world that moves
not is nothing but Brahman.
There is nothing but Brahman in all that is
visible as well as in all that is invisible.
-Dr NVS from – सरसश्लोकाः
सर्वं कलु इदं ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मैव सचराचरम् ।
दृश्येऽदृश्ये विना ब्रह्म किञ्चिदपि विद्यते ॥
All this is truly Brahman, the Supreme Divine.
The moving world and the world that moves
not is nothing but Brahman.
There is nothing but Brahman in all that is
visible as well as in all that is invisible.
-Dr NVS from – सरसश्लोकाः