एक: दरिद्र: मार्गे एक: दीप: दृष्टवान् | तं स्वीकृत्य मार्जनं कृतवान् | बृहत् विस्फोटकम् अभवत् | तत्रैव स:मृतवान |
सर्वं अल्लादिनस्य न किञ्चित् मुजाहिदीनस्य अपि |
सार्वजनिक सुरक्षार्थं प्रवृत्तं |
A poor man found a lamp on road.
He took it and rubbed it.
There was a big blast.
He died on the spot.
Not everything belongs to Alladin, some belong to Mujahiddin too.
Circulated for public safety
सर्वं अल्लादिनस्य न किञ्चित् मुजाहिदीनस्य अपि |
सार्वजनिक सुरक्षार्थं प्रवृत्तं |
A poor man found a lamp on road.
He took it and rubbed it.
There was a big blast.
He died on the spot.
Not everything belongs to Alladin, some belong to Mujahiddin too.
Circulated for public safety