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    Dear friends,

    Here is PART-11,of THE GLOSSARY OF SANSKRIT TERMS--ALPHABET--"S".Hope the members find these posts useful.


    SABIJA: With seed; a Samadhi wherein the seed of Karmas (actions) is not destroyed.
    SADACHARA: Right conduct.
    SADASIVA: The presiding Deity of the thousand petalled-lotus in the crown of the head.
    SADHAKA-Aspirant, a practitioner.
    SADHANA: Spiritual practice
    SADHANA-Spiritual practice.
    SADHU: Pious man; Sannyasin.
    SAGARA: Ocean.
    SAGUNA: With attributes.
    SAHADEVA: A Pandava-brother of Arjuna.
    SAHAJA: Natural, true, native
    SAHASA: Tenacity; application.
    SAHASRANAMA: The thousand Names of the Lord.
    SAHASRARA: 1000 petalled lotus at the crown of head
    SAHASRARA: A Yogic centre called thousand petalled-lotus in the crown of the head.
    SAKARA: With form.
    SAKSHATKARA: Direct realisation.
    SAKSHI: Seer; witnessing principle.
    SAKTI: Power; the feminine aspect of Divinity.
    SAKTI-SANCHAR: Transference of power by a developed Yogi.
    SALABHASANA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
    SALIGRAMA: A shell used for meditating upon Lord Vishnu.
    SAMA GANA: Hymns of the Sama Veda.
    SAMA: Serenity, Control of mind, tranquillity
    SAMADHI: State of superconsciousness, where Absoluteness is experienced attended with all-knowledge and joy. Oneness, perfect absorption of mind in Yoga.
    SAMADHI-Superconscious state, God-consciousness.
    SAMATA: Balanced state of mind.
    SAMBHAVI: A Yogic technique of concentration
    SAMPAT: Quality,Wealth; virtues.
    SAMPRAJNATA: Lower Samadhi with the triad of meditator, meditation and the meditated.
    SAMSARA: Life through repeated births and deaths, process of worldly life
    SAMSARA: The process of worldly life.
    SAMSAYA: Doubt.
    SAMSKARA: Impression, prenatal tendency
    SAMSKARAS: Impressions in the subconscious mind.
    SAMSKARAS-Impressions of sense-objects.
    SAMYAMA: Concentration, meditation and Samadhi practised at one and the same time.
    SAMYAMA: Perfect restraint, an all-complete condition of balance and repose, concentration, meditation and Samadhi.
    SAMYAVASTHA: State of equilibrium.
    SANANDA: With bliss (a kind of Samadhi).
    SANCHARA: Movement.
    SANCHITA: Accumulated action due to previous births.
    SANDHI: Junction.
    SANDHYA: Dusk.
    SANDHYA: Junction (of sunrise and sunset)
    SANKALPA: Thought; imagination.
    SANKARA: The well known teacher of Vedanta philosophy. Click here for a biography.
    SANKARACHARYA: The well-known teacher of Vedanta philosophy.
    SANKHA NADA: Sound produced by conch.
    SANKIRTAN: Singing of divine songs.
    SANNYASA: Renunciation of social ties, 4th stage in Hindu life
    SANNYASINS: Those who have embraced the life of complete renunciation.
    SANTA: Peaceful.
    SANTI: Peace, quietness
    SANTOSHA: Contentment.
    SARASVATI: Goddess of speech.
    SARIRA: Body.
    SARVA: All.
    SARVANGASANA: A Hatha Yogic exercise.
    SARVA-VIT: Knower of all; a liberated sage.
    SASTRA: Scripture, word of authority
    SAT: Existence absolute.
    SATAVADHANI: One who does 100 things at the same time
    SATCHIDANANDA: Existence absolute(Sat), Knowledge absolute(Chid), Bliss absolute(Ananda).
    SAT-CHIT-ANANDA: Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute.
    SATSANG: Association with the wise.
    SATTVA: Purity-one of the three qualities of nature.
    SATYA YUGA: The age of predominating in piety and righteousness.
    SATYA: Truth.
    SATYA-YUGA: the Age of Truth, the first of the four Hindu time-cycles.
    SAUCHA: Purity.
    SAVIKALPA: Lower Samadhi with the triad of meditator, meditation and meditated.
    SESHADRI: Name of a sage.
    SHABDA: Sound.
    SHAMS TABRIEZ: Name of a Sufi sage.
    SHATCHAKRAS: The six Chakras or nerve: plexuses through which Kundalini passes.
    SHYAMA: Lord Krishna.
    SIDDHANTA: Established tenet of doctrine.
    SIDDHA-Perfected Yogi.
    SIDDHASANA: A pose for meditation.
    SIDDHI-Perfection, psychic powers.
    SIRSHASANA: Topsy-turvy pose of Hatha Yoga.
    SITA: The devoted wife of Lord Rama.
    SITALI: A breathing exercise with cooling effect.
    SIVA: Lord Siva - bestower of auspiciousness on His devotees.
    SIVARATRI: A Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Siva.
    SKANDHA: Chapter.
    SLOKA: Verse.
    SOHAM: "I am That."
    SOKA: Sorrow.
    SPARSA: Touch.
    SPHATIKA: Crystal.
    SPHURANA: Rising (of thought).
    SRADDHA: Faith
    SRAVANA: Hearing.
    SRI: Auspiciousness-a name is qualified by putting "Sri" before it as a mark of courtesy and auspiciousness.
    SRISHTI: Creation.
    SRUTIS: Upanishads; revelations; Vedas.
    STABDHA: Stupefied state of mind.
    STHIRATA-Firmness, steadiness.
    STHITA: Established.
    STHULA: Gross.
    STOTRA: Hymn.
    STYANA: Sloth; idleness; indisposition of the mind to work.
    SUDDHA: Pure.
    SUFI: A Mohammedan sect.
    SUKA DEVA: Name of a sage.
    SUKHA: Bliss.
    SUKHA: Happiness.
    SUKSHMA: Fine, subtle, indivisible
    SUKSHMA: Subtle.
    SURYA: Sun
    SUSHUMNA: Nerve: current in spinal canal from Muladhara to crown of head
    SUSHUMNA: The chief among astral tubes in the human body running inside the spinal column.
    SUSHUMNA: The Yogic nerve through which Kundalini passes.
    SUTRA: Aphorism.
    SUTRATMA: Cosmic mind; the immanent Deity of the totality of the subtle bodies.
    SVABHAVA: One's own nature due to impressions of the past actions.
    SVADHISHTHANA: The second of the six Chakras according to Hatha Yoga.
    SVADHYAYA-Study of religious books, scriptures.
    SVAHA: Word uttered while offering an oblation; offering to God; exclamation used in offerings
    SVAJATIYA: The idea of one's own essential nature.
    SVAPNA: Dream.
    SVARUPA: Essence; the essential nature of Brahman.
    SVARUPA: Essential nature; Reality.
    SVASTIKA: A Hatha Yogic pose for meditation.
    SVAYAMJYOTIS: Self-light; Atman.
    SVETASVATARA: An Upanishad.