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An Oldie But Goldie . . Quiz

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  • An Oldie But Goldie . . Quiz

    It is your birthday and you want to buy a bottle of perfume for ` 97.

    Since you don't have cash you borrow ` 50 from your dad and ` 50 from your mom.
    Now you have ` 100.
    You purchase the perfume for ` 97.
    You are left with ` 3 change.
    You return ` 1 to your dad and ` 1 to your mom.
    You keep the balance ` 1 for yourself.

    After returning ` 1 each, you owe your mom ` 49 and your dad ` 49.

    Added together ` 49 + ` 49 = ` 98 plus your ` 1 = ` 99.

    Now, where is the missing ` 1 ???

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