Job Interview Guide

In general thinking the meaning of word, Resume,CV and Biodata are same. So nobody care using of any word when they are applyig for a job. But these three words are different with different job category. One must aware of using these word to avoid negative impression to the interviewer. Resume,CV and Biodata are the proverbial foot in the door. Done correctly, it can give you the opportunity to move beyond.
Resume means "SUMMARY" in which one document background and skillset details for an employment. A simple resume may not longer than two or three pages of size A4. A good Resume may contain academic and professional qualifications, professional and voluntary experiences,achievements,acomplishments etc. Most applicants just highlight the experiences and the skillsets with project works in the resume. There are generally two types of resume
(i) Reverse chronological resume, the work experience is sorted chronologically on basis of number of years served in an organization. And
(ii) Functional resume, the main focus is given on the require skill sets for an organization.
Resume is more applicable for middle and senior level job where experiences and skill sets get more preference than acedemic qualifications.
CV means "course of life" i.e; the course of one's life. A curriculum vitae is more specifically focused on academic achievements than resume. CV's are longer than resume as it more emphasis on completeness of one details. A CV documents career objective,educational and academic details,technical skilsets,strengths and weaknesses,academic honours and awards etc. A curriculum vitae should always be accompanied by a cover letter. A CV is preferred option for fresh graduates, people looking for a career change, and those applying for academic positions.
Biodata means "Biographical data" is defined as one's life and work experiences. The main focus on personal attributes like date of birth, religion, sex, race, nationality, PAN, passport, permanent and temporary residence, martial status, hobbies, height, weight, hair/skin/eye color, and a photo etc. One can not expect to predict all future behaviours from Biographical information, but it helps in individual selection in that it can give an image of most likely future behaviours based on an individual’s prior learning history. Biodata is generally used in south asia like India,Pakisatan,Bangladesh etc. In India biodata is used for defence jobs,government jobs, or when applying for research grants etc.
In general thinking the meaning of word, Resume,CV and Biodata are same. So nobody care using of any word when they are applyig for a job. But these three words are different with different job category. One must aware of using these word to avoid negative impression to the interviewer. Resume,CV and Biodata are the proverbial foot in the door. Done correctly, it can give you the opportunity to move beyond.
Resume means "SUMMARY" in which one document background and skillset details for an employment. A simple resume may not longer than two or three pages of size A4. A good Resume may contain academic and professional qualifications, professional and voluntary experiences,achievements,acomplishments etc. Most applicants just highlight the experiences and the skillsets with project works in the resume. There are generally two types of resume
(i) Reverse chronological resume, the work experience is sorted chronologically on basis of number of years served in an organization. And
(ii) Functional resume, the main focus is given on the require skill sets for an organization.
Resume is more applicable for middle and senior level job where experiences and skill sets get more preference than acedemic qualifications.
CV means "course of life" i.e; the course of one's life. A curriculum vitae is more specifically focused on academic achievements than resume. CV's are longer than resume as it more emphasis on completeness of one details. A CV documents career objective,educational and academic details,technical skilsets,strengths and weaknesses,academic honours and awards etc. A curriculum vitae should always be accompanied by a cover letter. A CV is preferred option for fresh graduates, people looking for a career change, and those applying for academic positions.
Biodata means "Biographical data" is defined as one's life and work experiences. The main focus on personal attributes like date of birth, religion, sex, race, nationality, PAN, passport, permanent and temporary residence, martial status, hobbies, height, weight, hair/skin/eye color, and a photo etc. One can not expect to predict all future behaviours from Biographical information, but it helps in individual selection in that it can give an image of most likely future behaviours based on an individual’s prior learning history. Biodata is generally used in south asia like India,Pakisatan,Bangladesh etc. In India biodata is used for defence jobs,government jobs, or when applying for research grants etc.