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  • Toilet

    *THE PARSI _"MODI"_*
    Russi Modi, Chairman, Tata Steel, was holding a weekly meeting with TATA STEEL staff at a football ground in Jamshedpur.
    A worker took up a niggling issue....
    He said the quality, cleanliness and hygiene of toilets for WORKERS was very bad.
    Whereas, he pointed out, the quality, cleanliness and hygiene of EXECUTIVE toilets was always very good.
    Russi turned to his top executive and asked how much time he needed to set it right.
    The executive asked for a month to set it right.
    Russi replied:
    *"I would rather do it in a day. Send me a carpenter."*
    Next day, when the carpenter arrived, Russi simply ordered the SIGNBOARDS to be swapped !!!
    The signboard on the "workers" toilet was changed to "EXECUTIVES"
    ...and the signboard on the "executives" toilet was changed to "WORKERS".
    Russi then gave instructions to the Carpenter to inter-change it *every fortnight!*
    Guess what !!?
    The quality of BOTH toilets became *on par* in 3 days' time!
    ...and has been maintained ever since!
    *THE PARSI _"MODI"_*