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    Dear friends,
    These days wheN life is full of stress, worries,untimely food intake, wrong and junk foods, alcoholism etc, stomach ulcers
    begin to develop leading to Peptic Ulcers.
    Peptic ulcers are sores that appear on the inner lining of the stomach, upper small intestine or esophagus. Ulcers are, most commonly, the result of either an infection or long-term use of certain medications. Also known as ulcus pepticum or PUD, they cause excessive abdominal pain. Though small ulcers do not cause any major problem, the large ones may lead to bleeding. There are a number of reasons, which can cause peptic ulcer in a person. In the following lines, we have listed the various causes and symptoms of peptic ulcers. Go through them and increase you knowledge about the ailment.

    Hope this will be found useful in tackling this menace/health problem.


    The erosion caused in the inner lining of the stomach and intestinal tract has been given the name of 'peptic ulcer'. While the ulcer in stomach is known as gastric ulcer, the one in intestinal tract, or duodenum, is called duodenal ulcer. When gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are clubbed together, they are known as peptic ulcer.

    Causes Of Peptic Ulcer

    Taking heavy meals
    Highly spicy foods
    Excessive intake of coffee
    Too much consumption of alcohol
    Excessive smoking
    Food poisoning
    Certain drugs
    Food poisoning
    Emotional disturbances
    Nervous tension
    Presence of helicobacter pylori
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID

    Symptoms Of Peptic Ulcer

    Sever pain
    Discomfort in upper part
    Blood in the stool
    Vomiting of blood, which may appear red or black
    Dark blood in stools or stools that are black or tarry
    Nausea or vomiting
    Unexplained weight loss
    Change of appetite
    General discomfort in the abdomen
    Bloating or fullness after eating
    Feeling sick

    Home Remedy For Peptic Ulcer

    The most effective home remedy for treating peptic ulcer is to eat bananas everyday. It is an excellent way to neutralize the hyperacidity of the gastric juices. Banana milk shake is also beneficial in curing peptic ulcer.
    Having cold milk, without sugar, is effective in reducing the acid, thereby providing relief from burning sensation one encounters in peptic ulcer.
    Prepare a paste of 10 grams drumsticks leaves and water. Mix this paste in half a cup of yoghurt. Have this mixture everyday, to cure peptic ulcer.
    In 250 ml of water, soak 15 grams leaves of wood apple and keep it overnight. Strain this concoction in the morning and have it.
    Applying a hot pack over the abdomen region is one of the effective ways of curing peptic ulcer.
    Cabbage and carrot, when mixed as juices, have been found to be beneficial in treating peptic ulcer. In half a liter of water, boil 250 grams cabbage until it is reduced to half. In a similar way, prepare carrot juice. Now, combine 125 ml of each juice. Once cool, drink it two times in a day.
    Tea made from fenugreek seeds is effective in curing peptic ulcer. When coated with water, fenugreek seeds become slightly mucilaginous, which helps in treating the ulcer.
    Combining carrot juice with spinach (or beet) and cucumber is effective in treating peptic ulcer. You can either mix 300ml carrot juice and 200 ml spinach juice or combine 300 ml carrot juice and 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juice, to make 500 ml of juice. Consume this daily.
    Blanch 5 almonds everyday and extract their milk. Drink this milk everyday, as it provides protein and also binds the acid in stomach.
    Drinking raw goat milk is effective in peptic ulcers treatment. For best results, drink this juice three times a day.
    Lime is beneficial in curing peptic ulcer. The citric acid and mineral salts present in it help treat the ulcer. You can either have lime juice or use it in salads.