Dear friends,
After the vilva leaves there is another most commonly used leaf that is good for controlling/curing common cold,reducing cholesterol and diabetes! Yes the divine TULSI or Basil leaves are very good for health.
Please read how they are used as remedy.
Tulsi — a natural remedy for controlling cholesterol and diabetes

Tulsi for common cold and cough
Conditions like high cholesterol levels and diabetes are very common nowadays, and an unhealthy lifestyle only worsens these conditions for many. While it is easy to prevent and control them by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a few natural remedies can easily control them. We as Indians are not alien to the idea of using home remedies, and tulsi is one herb that is a staple in every household. From treating mouth ulcers to boosting your immunity, tulsi leaves are known for their medicinal properties. You may like to know about various health benefits of tulsi.
To fight cholesterol: We don’t realise that high cholesterol levels can have a catastrophic effect on our health. Cholesterol molecules get stuck to walls of the arteries and harden them, thereby obstructing the flow altering our blood pressure levels and also increasing the risk of heart disease. So why not control escalating cholesterol levels now by resorting to natural remedies instead of using medicines later on. Tulsi leaves are a good option as they are easily available and have hypo-lipidemic or lipid-lowering properties1. Studies have also shown that Tulsi leaves help in reducing LDL or bad cholesterol levels and increase the HDL or good cholesterol levels. Read about other cholesterol-lowering foods.
To control diabetes: Diabetes is also a major lifestyle disease and people with an unhealthy lifestyle are at a high risk of suffering from it. Controlling blood sugar levels is one of the biggest challenges for diabetics and what better than tulsi leaves to maintain your blood sugar levels? Tulsi leaves are also known to have hypoglycemic properties2. They lower blood sugar levels and help prevent the complications of diabetes.
You can chew tulsi leaves daily to soak in all their goodness or you can also make tulsi tea that you can sip regularly and stay healthy.
After the vilva leaves there is another most commonly used leaf that is good for controlling/curing common cold,reducing cholesterol and diabetes! Yes the divine TULSI or Basil leaves are very good for health.
Please read how they are used as remedy.
Tulsi — a natural remedy for controlling cholesterol and diabetes
Tulsi for common cold and cough
Conditions like high cholesterol levels and diabetes are very common nowadays, and an unhealthy lifestyle only worsens these conditions for many. While it is easy to prevent and control them by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, a few natural remedies can easily control them. We as Indians are not alien to the idea of using home remedies, and tulsi is one herb that is a staple in every household. From treating mouth ulcers to boosting your immunity, tulsi leaves are known for their medicinal properties. You may like to know about various health benefits of tulsi.
To fight cholesterol: We don’t realise that high cholesterol levels can have a catastrophic effect on our health. Cholesterol molecules get stuck to walls of the arteries and harden them, thereby obstructing the flow altering our blood pressure levels and also increasing the risk of heart disease. So why not control escalating cholesterol levels now by resorting to natural remedies instead of using medicines later on. Tulsi leaves are a good option as they are easily available and have hypo-lipidemic or lipid-lowering properties1. Studies have also shown that Tulsi leaves help in reducing LDL or bad cholesterol levels and increase the HDL or good cholesterol levels. Read about other cholesterol-lowering foods.
To control diabetes: Diabetes is also a major lifestyle disease and people with an unhealthy lifestyle are at a high risk of suffering from it. Controlling blood sugar levels is one of the biggest challenges for diabetics and what better than tulsi leaves to maintain your blood sugar levels? Tulsi leaves are also known to have hypoglycemic properties2. They lower blood sugar levels and help prevent the complications of diabetes.
You can chew tulsi leaves daily to soak in all their goodness or you can also make tulsi tea that you can sip regularly and stay healthy.