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Male / Female House wives, Retired, VRS Brahmins wanted

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  • Male / Female House wives, Retired, VRS Brahmins wanted

    Male or Female House Wife or VRS
    Can help us to Key in the large volume of old books
    which will be a treasure for our brahmin society in future.

    Brahmin youngsters who are looking for job or doing computer courses
    Who are willing learn computer courses like DTP, Web Designing and Programming
    can avail this offer.

    We can train and use persons who are willing to join.

    We are having lot of old books about Rituals, Sastras, Sampradayams, Puranams, Vradhams, Poojas, Stotras, Astrology, Panchangams etc.
    which we can upload in our forum little by little by enter them in to computer
    and making it available in few languages like Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Sanskrit etc. for wide range of users world wide.

    Who are willing join this venture are welcome and contact me through
    with your address and willingness and bio-data etc.

    Thanks for choosing this forum for asking your vaideeka, Shastra, Sampradaya doubts,
    please visit frequently and share information anything you think that will be useful for this forum members.
    Encourage your friends to become member of this forum.
    Best Wishes and Best Regards,

  • #2
    Re: Male / Female House wives, Retired, VRS Brahmins wanted


    I red the article regarding the uploading of our valuable hindu spiritual books. Me interested to do the job. and me having some team members with me. Kindly provide me more details about the process.
    Expecting your favorable response at the earliest.

    Looking forward
    sri Hari rama krishnan.H


    • #3
      Re: Male / Female House wives, Retired, VRS Brahmins wanted

      Originally posted by hshrk2011 View Post

      I red the article regarding the uploading of our valuable hindu spiritual books. Me interested to do the job. and me having some team members with me. Kindly provide me more details about the process.
      Thanks for your interest to help in this process.
      All resources are very aged (old) which can not be transported to other place for any purpose.
      So, the interested members (persons) should come to our residence to that job.
      Also, I can not afford any salary for doing that, but I can provide some nominal amount with the donations given by few of our members
      through this forum.
      Last month we have received about $168 we can not expect if for all the months.
      The above amount also given for printing and distributing of "Paranthaman Panchangam" for the year 2012-2013.
      I can utilize the people who want to learn from me can do the job without expecting much in return.
      Don't mistake me, I have frankly expressed my views to avoid disappointments.

      Thanks for choosing this forum for asking your vaideeka, Shastra, Sampradaya doubts,
      please visit frequently and share information anything you think that will be useful for this forum members.
      Encourage your friends to become member of this forum.
      Best Wishes and Best Regards,

